Here it is, finally. My Wing Zero Repulsor. I'll explain about the model as we go. Just a heads up, this is a pretty picture heavy post.
I guess I'll talk about the color scheme first. I basically wanted a Proto RX-78-1 color scheme minus the green. Ended up adding the light gray as a color towards the end.
The back pack is a bit crowded with the swords and rifles attached. Doesn't really matter though, as the binders will pretty much only be to point back like that. Just not enough clearance between them and the shoulders.. sigh.
I'd say I'm 95% happy with the paint job. The 5% unhappy being the visible brushstrokes from hand painting.
You have to lift the binders up to remove the Twin Buster Rifles. Not too big a deal me thinks.
I left these pretty much 'stock'. Really all I did on these was some painting. I figured why fix what ain't broke.
And of course they can still combine.
The swords gave me some problems but in the end they came together pretty nicely. Since they're just thin pla plate and a handle they're very light too.
I have to say: I like the Repulsor a lot more without the weapons mounted.
I made this thing as a build fighters custom so why wouldn't I get a GP Base for it? :P
I find myself having a lot more fun with the twin buster if its in its separate form. I just picture this MS duel wielding the busters as rifles instead of using them as a beam cannon. Also, I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure the Wing Zero's Twin Buster (and the Wing's Buster for that matter) could be fired at a lower output if the pilot wanted to.
I call these effect parts ZERO System Burst Mode. For those who don't know the ZERO (Zoning & Emotional Range Omitted) System is a technology for interfacing the brain of the pilot with the mobile suit's computer. Basically it uses that huge search eye/camera on the chest and gathers as much information as possible from the battlefield and forces it into the pilots mind.
In ZERO System Burst Mode, the binders emit a beam saber like wing. These wings change and improve the AMBAC (Active Mass Balance And Control) of the Repulsor. They also feed information about the Repulsor's immediate surroundings into the ZERO system.
The wings are a bit awkward. Mainly due to the backpack binders' lack of side to side movement. So they're always swept back. Either way, I still think it looks cool and I'm happy with them.
It can still do the classic Wing Zero pose.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot...
Favorite Shot:
Probably my only real complaint about this kit and I touched on it earlier. Things get crowded on the back real quick if you throw the weapons on there.
Quick comparison to a standard colored Wing Gundam Zero. No they're not in scale, the Robot Damashii Wing Zero is a bit bigger than it's HG counterpart.
Well that's all for my Wing Gundam Zero Repulsor. Thanks for checking it out.
Til next time...